
Crossed  - Ally Condie

Review originally posted [here].


I enjoyed this book, more so than I did Matched. With Matched, Condie just scratched the surface of her characters and we saw more depth to them and their stories in Crossed. I'm really enjoying the Matched trilogy because unlike the Hunger Games (which all dystopian young adult novels are inevitably going to be compared to), this trilogy focuses heavily on the characters rather than the society they are a part of. Granted, this has left me with a bunch of questions about "The Society" and high expectations for the final installment to answer these questions.

I like Crossed more than Matched because things started to happen - characters took action and the plot started to move along (the plot does comes along slowly within this trilogy). I loved how we got a second point of view and fingers crossed we get a third POV in Reached! Downside, the end felt a bit rushed so heres hoping it picks up quickly in Reached

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